Canadian action thriller starring Jean-Claude Van Damme as a deep-cover operative who finds himself in the hands of the CIA when he is double-crossed. As he awakens and finds himself in an interrogation room, Wheeler (Van Damme) discovers he is about to be forced to surrender top-secret information by extreme methods. Before they can torture him, Wheeler breaks free of their clutches and launches an attack on those who have set him up. However, as he is being held on a submarine in a CIA black area, can he defeat his captors and utilise his fellow prisoner Marco (Dolph Lundgren) to help him get them both to safety?
Canadian action thriller starring Jean-Claude Van Damme as a deep-cover operative who finds himself in the hands of the CIA when he is double-crossed. As he awakens and finds himself in an interrogation room, Wheeler (Van Damme) discovers he is about to be forced to surrender top-secret information by extreme methods. Before they can torture him, Wheeler breaks free of their clutches and launches an attack on those who have set him up. However, as he is being held on a submarine in a CIA black area, can he defeat his captors and utilise his fellow prisoner Marco (Dolph Lundgren) to help him get them both to safety?
Black Water 2018