Wolf Warrior 2 (2017) Chinese Action Movie in English

Wolf Warrior 2 - Exclusive Trailer

After the events of Wolf Warrior, Leng Feng and members of his special-ops team bring his comrade’s remains back to his home town and his comrade’s family for his funeral, only to see it on the verge of being torn down completely. A real estate company is pulling down his house and that of his comrade’s family during the funeral. The boss of the real estate company confronts them with a gun and sneers at them for presenting the remains to the family, only for the boss to be kicked to the ground. The boss calls on his henchmen to attack them but they are all swiftly disabled by Feng and the other soldiers. Police arrive shortly after and ask Feng to put down the gun he confiscated from the boss. The boss gets back up and boasts that he will “make the family wish they were dead”, enraging Feng to a point that he kicks the boss in the stomach, sending him crashing onto the windshield of a police car and killing him. Feng is sent to a military prison for two years and discharged from the Chinese army. After release from prison, Feng leaves for Africa, planning to wander for the rest of his life. While serving as a mercenary providing security on a freighter delivering relief supplies to Africa, he foils an attempted hijacking by Somalian pirates by defeating them in hand-to-hand combat underwater. Feng and some locals are partying on a beach one day when they are attacked by rebel forces aiming to overthrow the government of the African nation. Shortly after the arrival of the Rebels and mercenaries who overrun the government troops, the Chinese fleet arrives to evacuate Chinese nationals caught up in the civil war. While on board, a Chinese shop owner that he helped rescue tells him that the bullet he is carrying belongs to European mercenaries who are helping the rebels. After overhearing guards talking about needing someone to rescue workers at a factory and Dr. Chen, who is developing the vaccine for Lamanla, a deadly endemic disease, Feng volunteers. However, he is on his own as no other personnel can follow him while they are on foreign soil without permission from the Chinese military’s higher authorities. He travels to the hospital, 60 kilometres away from the dock and enters its building just as Dr Chen is accidentally killed by the mercenaries led by Big Daddy, a ruthless American leader of mercenaries called the Dyon Corps. With his dying breaths, Dr Chen tells him to take his daughter, an African girl named Pasha. Feng and Pasha, along with a female volunteer doctor Rachel Smith, escape the grip of the mercenaries. While escaping, he cuts his hand in a pile of Lamanla infected bodies but shakes it off and moves on. They continue their mission of saving the Chinese as Feng also goes to save his godson’s mother, who’s working in the Hanbound factory. Upon arriving at the Hanbound factory, Feng is confronted by security and the factory’s owner’s son, Zhou Yifan, a cocky fuerdai who is also an army fanatic. Big Daddy’s mercenaries attack the factory to capture Pasha, thinking she is the one who has the cure for Lamanla. At the factory, Feng tells everyone that the Chinese fleet will be sending a helicopter to rescue them. The women and children will evacuate via helicopter and everyone else will walk to the fleet. Feng, with his old pal and Yifan saved the factory crew members from the red scarf members and deadly mercenaries. Feng is about to be overrun when Big Daddy, the other mercenaries and rebels are ordered to fall back. The rebellion’s leader tells Big Daddy that no Chinese can die because he needs China when he is in power, since China is part of the United Nations Security Council. Big Daddy kills him and takes over as leader. He orders everyone to go back to the factory to retrieve Pasha and kill Feng. In the factory, Feng chooses to leave as the factory workers learn of his infection with Lamanla. He is injected with a serum for the virus and learns from Rachel that Dr Chen has manufactured a cure using infected patients that survived and developed immunity, and Pasha, who is in fact one of Dr. Chen’s patients rather than his daughter. Big Daddy and the others arrive at the factory to capture Pasha and kill Feng. They round up the workers and wait for the Chinese helicopter to arrive. Feng arrives with Rachel and Pasha to rescue everyone trapped in the factory. The workers are saved, and the helicopter arrives. Pasha and Rachel leave via helicopter, but it is shot down. The battle continues with everyone taking cover and Feng and his allies fighting hordes of Dyon Corps mercenaries and rebels. Seeing the massive casualties taking place, Chinese fleet fire missiles, taking out the tanks. Meanwhile, in the battle while confronting Big Daddy, Feng learns that the bullet which killed Xiaoyun belonged to Big Daddy and, driven by rage over her death, kills Big Daddy in a brutal fight and saves all the crew members by taking them to the UN camps.

Wolf Warrior 2 | 2017 Trailer - Wu Jing, Frank Grillo, Celina Jade

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