Sniper: Ghost Shooter (2016) is the sixth installment in the Sniper film series. It is an action-packed military thriller directed by Don Michael Paul. The film continues the story of elite marksmen dealing with high-stakes missions in conflict zones. In Sniper: Ghost Shooter, Brandon Beckett (played by Chad Michael Collins) and Richard Miller (Billy Zane) return as elite snipers for a security operation. Their mission is to protect a gas pipeline running through volatile territory in the Middle East, a critical resource that faces constant threats from terrorists.
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Sniper: Ghost Shooter (2016)
However, their operation encounters a deadly complication when a mysterious enemy sniper, known as the “Ghost Shooter,” starts taking out their team members one by one. This sniper seems to know their every move, leading them to suspect that there may be a leak within their own ranks.
As the tension rises, Beckett and Miller must face not only the enemy sniper but also internal conflicts within their team. They have to uncover the traitor, adapt to a fast-changing battlefield, and confront the ghostly shooter before it’s too late. The film offers intense action sequences, especially sniper duels, and highlights the mental and physical skills required in the dangerous world of modern military operations. If you enjoy military-themed action thrillers with a focus on sniper combat, this film is a solid choice in the Sniper series.
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Sniper: Ghost Shooter (2016)